Losing to Myself

You have the right and obligation to Love thyself

It’s hard to understand how we have arrived here and now.

But in spite of our perceptions/interpretations… Always remember:  Love thyself today. Be mindful of giving/sharing yourself too much with others.

We all experience loss.

Think about the significance of losing friends due to moving, divorce, work issues (good and bad), and many other life changes.

Losing yourself is of equal importance. It is a poignant emotional injury to the self.  It is wise to learn to improve but sinful to condemn yourself.

We need to acknowledge this truth and seek a plan to promote rehabilitation, growth and wellness.

Consider doing something special and thoughtful for you.  Be generous with these gifts.

Pay no mind to naysayers who are wont to criticize and blame. Accept that you are deserving of such kindness despite being less than perfect.

Be patient and realize there is a better option waiting for you to uncover.

You are already on the path so sit back, relax and watch the awesome unfold. Let’s become extraordinary together.

Ready to Start Your Journey Toward Self-Love and Growth?

If you’re feeling ready to reconnect with yourself and prioritize your well-being, I’m here to help guide you through the process. Together, we can uncover what’s holding you back and create a personalized plan for healing and transformation.

Schedule a complimentary call with me today to explore how I can support you on your path to emotional wellness and self-love. It’s time to invest in you. Let’s start this beautiful journey together.

Click Here to Schedule Your Complimentary Call  or call to make your complimentary appointment at 630-408-4018

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